Recipe for success

What does a team need to deliver a successful software project, starting to think about what I’ll want in my next engagement.

There’s plenty left to do, but as I approach the end of my current main assignment as a Technical Architect, I’m starting to think what my future engagements should have.

This is my starter for ten five:

  1. Anything but waterfall
  2. Genuine Public Cloud, with a hint of lock-in
  3. Internal users matter just as much
  4. Partnership with your Product Owner
  5. Embedded QA, seen as a benefit, not a drag

Anything but waterfall

Scrum? Kanban? Scrumban? I don’t really care exactly what it is, more that it works for the project, everyone understands and supports it.

I hate designing things entirely upfront, it just seems so conceited that you can genuinely design an entire system without trying to make any of it. While I know this doesn’t apply when you’re building a rocket1 or CERN, you’re not doing that, are you?

Yes, you absolutely need a sense of roughly where you’re heading, and ideally an end goal that you’re heading towards – but you also need the pragmatism to know if you try to build that from the start, you’re going to burn lots of rubber on the road, while making very little progress.

Show your dev teams that you can and do go back to make things better. Build the sense of trust that when you say “Just build the slightly-hacky ‘tactical’ thing, we will fix it later” that you do go back and fix it.

You’ll free everyone up from the performance anxiety of “Must get it right first time, because I can’t go back and fix it”.

Genuine Public Cloud, with a hint of lock-in

I would like to think that cloud is a given, but I still face people who say things like “It’s just someone else’s computer” – yes, but in general they have better capacity planning than you, or the “I could do x for cheaper” – which I’m sure you could, but you’re usually not factoring in the hidden costs.

The main system we built does have an on-premise element, but it’s controlled by the cloud, and deployed in a similar way.

We host the core of the system in the cloud, and that gives us an agility in scale and deployment we don’t have on-premise. Now, could we get that in time, I’m sure we could, but then we lose the benefits of the AWS value-add services…

“we use Amazon, but we only use EC2 and we don’t use any of their special services, so we’re not locked-in”

Speaking of which, when I hear that particular line, I want to congratulate the person on ensuring they’ve deployed their software in a way that will either cost them more, or be less reliable, or both.

At some level, to get the best value out of a cloud provider, you do need to be using their value-add services, meaning you can run bits of your application server-less or other bits as more scalable state-less systems.

Yes, if you write a Lambda, you can’t instantly port that to Google Cloud Functions, but given they both run Node, provided you put the thing that does the work in a scoped module, migrating should mean you write the Google invoking code.

I’m not saying use every service, but to start with the position that you’re just going to use Infrastructure as a Service, is too dogmatic.

Internal users matter just as much

Yes it’s an internal system. Yes it’s not public facing.

Yes it should still be as performant and usable as your public properties.

Facebook probably does more than your system. Facebook is generally fast to use, and yet nobody gets training in how to use it. If your system requires lots of training, are you doing things as well as you could?

Consumer technology and services are good. Very good. Your users expect your system to match that, and when you give people tools that work well, they’re freed from hating the system they are using, and allowed to actually focus on the tasks they’re doing.

Focussing on my current engagement, a partnership with our core users meant they took up some extra manual working, while we ran the extended migration. They only agreed to those once we had earned their trust, and they realised that “could you do this for 3 months” was just that. (granted it was more like 4 months).

Partnership with your Product Owner

Product Management is still a relatively new discipline, so there is no one-true-way, and I hope there doesn’t become one, because not all products are the same.

Regardless, partnership with your Product Owner is crucial, and if they’re technical you want to work hand-in-hand with them on key design decisions. If they’re less so, you need their trust and for them to delegate responsibility.

Embedded QA, seen as a benefit, not a drag

The embedded tester in the team is a key resource. They should ask questions, spot the things we didn’t, and invariably are a first call for “do we know what happens in situation x?”.

For all the frustration that Test Driven Development can cause when doing genuine micro-services, the testing framework that provides means that we never ship the same bug twice. Sometimes when we’ve suspected bugs, modifying an existing test have helped us check our hypotheses quickly.

Easy regression testing make you far more able to build and iterate quickly.

In conclusion

You can’t make a project be a success, but there are things you can do that increase the chances…


  1. And talking of rockets, look at what SpaceX have done, which looks pretty like rapid evolution of a rocket platform adding more capabilities…